Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Drinking water.

It is recommended that we drink 6 to 8 cups of water a day.  This translates to around 2 litres of water.  People who are active and people who live in dry climates need more. But why do we need to drink water every day?

Without water, our organs begin to dry up.  When that happens, they begin to stop working.  Our heart, lungs, kidneys, liver and all the rest need water to function properly.  If they start to slow down, we begin to feel unwell.

I know this from firsthand experience.  One day, I was feeling sluggish and started getting a headache.  I stopped what I was doing and had a long drink of water.  Almost immediately, my headache disappeared and I started feeling more lively. 

Some people don't like the taste of water.  I didn't for a long time.  What worked for me was to have a cup of water and a cup of juice on my desk.  Every once in a while, I'd take a sip of water and a sip of juice for the taste.  Constantly sipping water throughout the day is as good as taking long drinks.

We need water in our bodies to function properly.  Some people might find it strange that this fact needs to be mentioned, but there are many people out there who don't like drinking water, and I hope this piece will help them realise the need to do so.

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