Saturday, August 01, 2015

Never say "Never".

We've all heard it before, I'm sure: never say "Never".  Why?  Because you have no idea what the future holds.  As the late John Lennon once said, "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans."

There were a few occasions in my life when I said that word "Never".  Back in the 70s, I said I would never carry a credit card.  Of course, I have one now. 

Hong Kong has a payment system called the Octopus card, which acts like a debit card.  I said I would never get one because I was against the concept that the company demanded a fifty-dollar deposit.  As life would have it, there came a time when I couldn't leave home without it. 

I had once said I would never carry a mobile phone because I didn't see the need to always be contactable.  And then I met the beautiful lady whom I would eventually marry.  She told me there was no way she'd go out with me unless I had a phone with me at all times.  I now have two. 

In 1995, the radio station I was working at decided to cut costs by firing all the music presenters and turning the English channel into an all-music one.  I said I would never return to that microphone because I was so upset at the decision to let us go.  Three months later I was back on the air, having been invited to join the station's news department. 

And I told a couple of friends in 2001 that I would never get married.  There I was, 40-something, single and living on my own.  I said I wouldn't get married because I treasured my freedom.  I was accountable to no one and free to live as I pleased.  Not only that, but before I could get married, I'd have to meet someone, date her, and see how things develop.  Such a relationship can go in one of only two directions: marriage or split.  Why would I want to go through all that hassle?  "If I ever do get married," I said, "it will be to someone who comes into my life and turns my world upside down, not for any particular reason but just because of who she is.  And that person doesn't exist.  So, I'll never get married."  Less than a month later, a former girlfriend phoned me and asked if I could fix her sister's laptop.  We had dinner.  Then we had lunch.  And wouldn't you know it?  My world was suddenly upside down.

As you gaze into your future, some things might appear to be impossible and you might be tempted to say "Never".  If you do, just remember that Life happens, even when you don't expect it to.

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